The Michael Mulhall Foundation - 10 Years Later

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It’s hard to believe that today marks the 10 year anniversary of Mike’s passing shortly after he graduated from The University of Scranton in 2010.

Today, Mike would be proud of the legacy he left behind. While a son, brother, and friend can never be replaced, Mike has certainly lived on through his family and friends who will never forget him.

The University of Scranton’s Michael Mulhall ‘10 Memorial Scholarship is fully endowed and grants scholarships each year to students interested in pursuing a career in special needs education. Scholarships will continue to be granted each year going forward.

Thanks to the generosity of Mike’s friends and family, The Michael Mulhall Foundation has been able to fund dozens of projects that provide assistance to families that have children with special needs. This has also been made possible through the help of our friends at St. Mary’s, Share The Voice, CHOP, and Camp Anchor.

This year, in special commemoration of Mike, we’ve made donations to both the University of Scranton and Camp Anchor - the camp for children with special needs that Mike loved and worked at every summer.

2020 Update

2020 has been a strange and difficult year for pretty much everyone, throwing many plans out the window.

In a typical year, the MMF works with St. Mary’s to find families who have needs that they themselves can’t afford to cover and can’t get covered by insurance - wheelchair ramps, custom wheelchairs, stairlifts, home modifications etc. In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, it was the St. Mary’s staff who needed our help this year as they dealt with a health, logistical and funding crisis all at once.

Given the circumstances, The MMF used this year’s St. Mary’s allocation for the direct purchase of PPE (personally protective equipment). This was used to buy gowns, gloves and masks used to keep both staff and patients safe during the height of the crisis.

Thankfully, St. Mary’s was able to make it through the entire crisis without one medically fragile patient contracting the virus (more on St. Mary’s & COVID-19 here).


What’s next?

Unfortunately, given the uncertainty that still exists surrounding COVID-19 and live events, we’ve made the difficult decision to postpone The Purple Tie Stakes for the first time in 6 years.

The good news is that the board of The Michael Mulhall Foundation has committed to keeping the foundation going and the Stakes will be back!

After all, despite the good that’s been accomplished in his name we suspect Mike would be most proud of the fact that every year his friends and family dress up in silly purple jackets and dresses, bet the ponies and drink some beers in his memory. For that reason alone, the party must continue.

We thank everyone for all of the support over the years and look forward to seeing you at the next event.

- The Michael Mulhall Foundation
